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Old Tyme Dental Advice Mythbusters

Baby Teeth
Not all dental folk wisdom is actually true. I have heard it said that “you don’t have to brush baby teeth”. Is this true?

New Year’s Dental Resolutions
It is almost 2024! In the birth of a New Year we have hope for the future, and the redemption of a new beginning. As a dental practice we hope that you make some New Year’s resolutions about your teeth!

Reasons We Ignore Our Teeth And Dentists
There are no actual good reasons to ignore your teeth! They are a part of the unified system called your body, and one of the most functional and beautiful.

Best Dentist Award 2023
ProDentalFx, LLC has been chosen as one of the top 15 dental offices in Jersey City, among a field of 180 other practices and through over 23 thousand patient reviews, by the independent consumer group NewMouth.

Tooth Brushing Refresher Course!
Well, this is not exactly a course but here are some tips for tooth brushing.

National Wellness Month
August is National Wellness Month! As a dental practice promoting dental health we are a piece of the puzzle leading to wellness, but an important one.

The Power Of Knowledge
We at ProDentalFx, LLC concur with Sir Bacon on the importance of knowledge, and its capacity to empower individuals.

What’s in a Filling?
Modern advanced fillings and dental materials are sort of a magical mystery. Ever wonder why they call modern fillings “composite”?

Dentist Dr. Alcantara has often said that her favorite genius was Leonardo Davinci, the original renaissance man. His genius spanned science and art, from the engineering of the flying ornithopter to the beauty of the painting of the last supper, and he is a perfect model for a dentist to follow.

The Teeth of Wisdom
Wisdom teeth used to be called the teeth of wisdom from around the 1500’s, and later were called wisdom teeth in the 1800’s, but there seems to be much confusion around them.

The Zen of Teeth
The way you take care of your teeth probably reflects the way you live your life. So, in the hopes of improving both, it pays to use a couple general principles borrowed from Zen, the eastern philosophical tradition.

How A Good Night’s Rest Relates to Oral Health
Unbeknownst to most, getting a good night’s sleep can improve your dental health. Not sleeping well can disturb your body’s ability to fight infection, including infections in your mouth such as gum disease (gingivitis).

How Immunity and Gum Disease are Linked
Your body is a complex, interlinked group of working systems, and disease in one part of the body is often reflected in disease in another part.

Pandemic got you stressed out? Your mouth is too!
Today we are going to talk about the pandemic and your mouth. Due to increased stress as a result of the pandemic, your oral health likely took a hit.

What Your Dry Mouth Might Be Telling You
If your mouth is constantly dry it is actually something you have to take care of, because it has multiple implications for your oral health. Here are some facts about it.

The Importance of Flossing
According to Dr. Alcantara, the importance of flossing equals or even overrides that of brushing. She states that patients who don’t floss have a much higher incidence of dental cavities in her practice.

What’s In A Dental Cleaning?
Well today we are writing about dental cleanings and exams. You may have heard you need to see a dentist regularly for a cleaning and exam. This means every six months. But why?

Choosing Quality
At ProDentalFx, LLC, we choose the best way to practice dentistry for our patients. What does that mean? We use the highest quality compounds and materials for our fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures.