What’s In A Dental Cleaning?

Well today we are writing about dental cleanings and exams. You may have heard you need to see a dentist regularly for a cleaning and exam. This means every six months. But why? The reasons are many, and seem ordinary, but can have very significant positive effects on your teeth and overall health. When you visit the dentist for a cleaning and exam, the dentist or hygienist cleans your teeth with instruments that clean in a way a toothbrush cannot, removing hardened plaque and tartar from and between your teeth. This prevents the buildup of bacterial deposits and helps to prevent cavities. But in addition to cleaning, the dentist will examine you, to detect cavity formation, gum disease, and to search for even more sinister processes such as early oral cancer or precancerous changes. Though dentistry is thought to be separate from medicine by some, it is actually not; your mouth is contiguous with the rest of your body, and oral health is greatly connected with your overall health. Thus, when you see your dentist for “cleanings”, there is actually more to it than it may seem. Best wishes – ProDentalFx, LLC.


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