Choosing Quality

These days we talk about fast fashion, clothes that are stylish but made like garbage and soon need to be replaced and discarded, adding to the problem of environmental pollution. We talk about cheaply made items, that need to be replaced often because they only last so long, when one purchase of a higher quality item, at a slightly higher price, can often pay for itself in longevity, years of usage, and increased style and look. Cheap clothes look terrible after one wash, cheap paint fades faster than quality paint, cheap computers are obsolete in one year, and cheap staplers don’t even work. In every way, there is a parallel in the world of dentistry, and the quality of dental work. Choosing quality dentistry is choosing longevity, good looks, function, and ultimately peace of mind. At ProDentalFx, LLC, we choose the best way to practice dentistry for our patients. What does that mean? We use the highest quality compounds and materials for our fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures. For repositioning and straightening teeth we use the original and best aligner-based system that has made obsolete braces. Wherever possible we use the Itero scanner instead of goopy impression material and trays to capture the anatomy of your teeth and mouth. We offer a dental experience that is unhurried and unrushed; during your appointment your teeth have the undivided attention of our caring and qualified coordinators, hygienists, assistants, and dentists. We emphasize quality, and offer a discount plan and creative financial solutions, in order to deliver this quality to the maximum number of people possible, because we feel that our community deserves it. When you come to ProDentalFx, LLC, high-quality dentistry is on offer, and we are committed and desirous to find every way to deliver it to the much deserving neighborhood and wide community we serve. Best wishes – ProDentalFx, LLC


What’s In A Dental Cleaning?