Tooth Brushing Refresher Course!

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Well, this is not exactly a course but here are some tips for tooth brushing. First, have the right equipment. Use a toothpaste with fluoride in it, which almost all do. Next, a toothbrush should be replaced every three months, and have soft bristles to avoid wearing your gums down (recession). Ultrasonic toothbrushes can be pricey, but have been shown to help even more. Second, aim for the gumline when brushing. Bacteria have a way of growing right where your gums and teeth come together. Third, use the 2/2 rule: brush at least twice a day for two minutes, and about 30 minutes after last eating. Fourth, don’t rinse right away after brushing! Spit out the excess toothpaste, then let the remainder sit in your mouth a while so that the fluoride in it can act on your teeth, making them more resistant to bacteria. Fifth and finally, floss or use an interproximal brush to clean between your teeth. This is as important as brushing itself to keep your teeth, and will remove debris your brush cannot reach. That’s it, you’ve graduated! Happy brushing and may you have good healthy teeth for life. -ProDentalFx, LLC


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