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New Year’s Dental Resolutions

It is almost 2024!  In the birth of a New Year we have hope for the future, and the redemption of a new beginning. As a dental practice we hope that you make some New Year’s resolutions about your teeth!

Some ideas would be resolving to floss once a day or brushing every night before bed (easy to skip if you stay up). There is also resolving to drink less soda and sugary drinks, which eat away and discolor your teeth. You could also resolve to actually get a dental checkup, if you haven’t seen a dentist in some time.  

In a 2016 study only 9% of Americans who made New Year’s resolutions felt they had kept them after one year. So yes, it is tough to stick it out, but the benefits are many. Statistically, the top three New Year’s Resolutions are improved fitness, finances, and mental health, in descending order. These fundamentals should always be top in our minds and the beginning of a New Year is a great chance to prioritize your well-being and oral health. Best wishes and have a Happy New Year! – ProDentalFx, LLC (Source: Forbes Health)