Happy National Simplicity Day!

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Good Afternoon ProDentalFx, LLC Family,

We hope everyone’s start of the week is going well! What better way to celebrate National Simplicity Day in honor of Henry David Thoreau, than with an afternoon coffee break. Henry David Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817, who was an author, naturalist, philosopher, and historian. He was well known for his book Walden, which was based upon the two years of life that he lived in semi-isolation by Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. He stayed in a cabin that he built and spent his time there living a simple, self-sufficient life amongst nature.

Sometimes our lives get quite busy, that we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of what we call life. It is always a good time to take a deep breath and slow down, so we don’t let life pass us by.

Some ways that we can celebrate life’s simple things are:

·       Enjoying nature. Take a walk or a hike and enjoy the beauty of what nature has to offer.

·       Showing gratitude. Be grateful for all the things you have in life.

·       Focusing on the important things. Take time to focus on what is important in your life and spend your time doing that. Do not waste time on unimportant things.

·       Decluttering your space. Get rid of unnecessary items you don’t use anymore and donate them. Keep the things you value the most.

·       Turning off the media and electronics. Quiet the outside noise. Turn off your phones, computers, and television screens. Spend time with your mind and write down your thoughts and goals.

Have a great week everyone and remember as Henry David Thoreau said, “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”


Most Sincerely,

The Team of ProDentalFx, LLC


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