Supernumerary Teeth

This is a term for extra teeth, which occurs at a rate of about 1 to 3% in the general population, otherwise known as hyperdontia. It is more common in Asians. Having extra teeth usually is harmless, but it may cause problems like impinge upon neighboring teeth or cause a cyst, and rarely, be a marker for more serious disease. The causes for supernumerary teeth are many and include genetics, infections or trauma during pregnancy, developmental issues during pregnancy, and the patient having a certain syndrome (group of symptoms and issues), such as Cleidocranial Dysplasia, a disorder of growth of the facial bones which includes absent collar bones and abnormally shaped skull. Another associated syndrome is Ehlers Danlos syndrome which manifests with hyperflexible joints and stretchy, fragile skin. Finally, extra teeth might be seen with Gardner’s syndrome, which is associated with polyps in the colon and risk of colon cancer. To find out if you have supernumerary teeth, schedule an appointment with your dentist today! -ProDentalFx, LLC (Source:,


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