Staying Up Late and Your Teeth
These days, with the advent of computerization, social media and AI, there is a strong urge for some of us to stay up late and keep up on the latest goings on in the world. Beside filling our heads with vacuous garbage, there may be reasons to avoid this that relate to your teeth. As a dental practice we recommend not staying up late. Especially not for adolescents. A study published in the International Journal of Hygiene shows that some young people were up to four times more likely to develop tooth decay if they stayed up late. Some of the reasons could simply be not brushing before going to bed, as people after staying up late are too tired to brush. Staying up late also impairs your immune system leading to more gum disease. There is also increased incidence of dry mouth with late nights, and saliva is necessary to wash away bacteria. Furthermore, teeth grinding is seen more frequently with sleepless nights. So if you want a nice smile, go get more sleep.